Thursday, June 3, 2010

The administration of moving

I'd forgotten how much admin there is in moving. Recent tasks: Two packing companies assess our mountains of stuff. We will be over the limit. Continue to chuck out stuff. Ask UK insurers whether it's covered while on the high seas. How to get our winter clothes which have been sitting in a Wembley warehouse to Beijing. Ask upstairs whether they want our plants. Prepare list of local accounts we need to shut down. Diplomatic passports arrive today. Online medical clearance for all four of us. Check vaccination records. Fill out myriad forms for the girls' new school. Complete Child Benefit and Child Tax Status declaration form. Book flights. Enquire about temporary Beijing accommodation while we look for somewhere to live. Try to think of an excuse to avoid attending 2-day security briefing in London while there on holiday next month. Complete Next-of-Kin form. Start preparing change of address notices to banks, insurers, etc. And so it goes on... A month to go.

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