Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last day in the office

Weird feeling. Last commute in. Last latte at Starbucks (there are 72 in Bangkok so I don't think they'll miss me, although I must have spent a small fortune there). Wrap up work, close bank account, clear desk, send out farewell emails... Then Liz and the girls arrive for a small party, cake and a few words. In my speech I talk about my arrival just before the coup, how so much has changed in 4 years, great projects, holidays and the friendliness of the office. A & N manage to stay still through all of this. Doesn't feel real. Hugs for a few colleagues, chuck away the last few things, close down my computer and then, before I know it, we're leaving, down the stairs, through the doors and into a taxi. Was that it?